Hello there Commander. The Fifth regiment may be one of the most powerful factions of our great Republic's army, you must be proud. Unfortunately, this particular battle will not be a victory for you or your fellow soldiers in the Kartonian Liberation Front and it's time to retreat to live another day, however the ruthless Dracoksa’s won’t simply let you just run away from a fight, so it’s up to you to you as the commander of your battalion to hold off the dirty Dracks for as long as you can and make sure that your platoon can make it back safely. Use your dash to dodge the enemy shots to buy your comrades some more time and overclock the energy cell on your blaster to unleash your charge shot to shred through their ranks. You may die on this day commander, but your name will be glorified in the annals of our Republic’s history. Long live the Republic of Kartesia! 

(For some reason you have to go full screen mode twice to actually see the game properly)

(Some screenshots of my enemies with the MagicaVoxel rendering as it didn't transfer over when uploading them to Unity)


Decisive Collision 27 MB